Thursday – May 18, 2017 – 170518
Context: Mental Toughness
Mobility: Shoulder
Skill Practice Warm Up: 3 rounds of Cindy, tagging a partner in after each round.
Strength: 7×2 Power Snatch – 11 of 14 (7 sets of 2 reps, same weight across, approximately 90 – 100% of max power snatch)
Super Set: 7×4 Half Kneeling Single Arm DB Shoulder Press (7 sets of 4 reps, “across,” scale to the same challenge).
Metabolic Conditioning: “Eleanor”
6 minute AMRAP (as many rounds for time)
8 Deadlift (Health: 55lb / Athletic: 85lb* / Performance: 135lb)
6 Hang Power cleans (same)
4 Overhead squat (same/same/front squat)
*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)
Scaling Guide: 3.5-7 rounds, about 1:15 per round. Scale Up: 155 lbs / 95lbs (esp. if you did 7/8 rounds last time!)
Compare to: November 9, 2016
Coaching Tips: Be smart about how you break this one up (like “DT”). When you need breaks, stop at the 7th deadlift. Then you can do the 8th before setting up for the set of hang power cleans. Similarly, rest after the 5th clean so you only have to do one extra deadlift before finishing the hang power cleans and going straight into the overhead squat. The goal is to not break up the overhead squat. If you want to go faster, go right into the deadlifts after the overhead squats (then rest after 7). If you start losing midline stability, take a couple moments with the bar in the back rack before jerking into the overhead position. Progress down to front squats if the overhead squat gets ‘sketchy’ to keep the intensity up. Snatch balancing the first rep will count as an overhead squat rep.
Optional ‘Cash Out’: max calorie row or airbike, 4 minutes