Tuesday Workout of the Day

A.1. RDL @31X1 8-10 reps, rest 1 minute A.2. 5-10 supine L pull-ups
B.In a team of three: 

P1 does FC or sand bag bear hug carry 100m. 

P2 does dumbells GTO 40/30 

P3 does burpee BOX overs.
Rotate after P1 does carry. 

Rotate until each partner has done FC 5 times. 

Score is number of DB GTO plus burpee box overs.


400m Run

12 Mountain Climbers

10 Tuck Jumps

8 DB Snatches/arm

6 Weighted Squat Jumps

4 Man Makers (DB- Renegade Row + SC + Thruster)

2 Burpees

Rest 2 min


B. 10-8-6-4-2 

Burpees (Only Burpees decrease in #)

50m Walking Lunges

50m Sprint

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