Deadlifts – Work up to a heavy set of 5 in 12 minutes.
In teams of two partners perform – 1000M run and max HSPU
P1 does 100 Meter Run – while P2 does HSPU. Switch places until 1000M have been run.
Rest 4 minutes
In teams of two partners perform – 1000M row and max CTB
P1 does 100M row – while P2 does CTB pull ups. Switch places until 1000M have been rowed.
Score is number of HSPU plus number of CTB
500m Row
10 Body Blasters (Burpee + Pull Up + TTB) (Beginners do Burpees)
20 Alternating DB GTO 70/50
30 Deadlifts 135/95
40 Alternating Pistols (beginners do walking lunges)
50 Push Ups
60 KBS 53/35
70 Air Squats
80 Sit Ups
90 Double Unders
400m Run
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