Congrats to team “we’re here for the beer” on their 4th place finish in the Atlanta Affiliate League Oktoberfest competition.
EMOM 9 minutes
Minute 1 4 TGU 53/35
Minute 2 10 GHD sit ups
Minute 3 handstand walk 25 feet ( sub bear crawl or wall runs)
8 min @ 85%
6 KBS snatches 35/25#
8 hand release push-ups
12 box jumps 24”/20″
3 min rest –
8 min @ 85%
3 dips
5 C2B pullups
10 dumbell thrusters 35/25#
Rest 3 minutes
8 min at 85%
4 KBS 70/53
6 burpees
8 wall balls