Saturday Workout of the Day

5 sets: 5 Pikes on Med Ball + Around the World in Pike


Then, 24 minute AMRAP:

Buy in:  Run a mile.

then complete rounds of: 10 HSPU  15 SDHP 75/55  20 box jump overs.   Post rounds to board.

Bootcamp: 7 Min AMRAP; 5 person team: Sandbag Overhead Press Bear Hug Reverse Lunges Mountain Climbers Bear Hug Squats Sandbag run around the circuit. Beginners: 10 Reps Intermediates: 15 Reps Advanced: 20 Reps 7 Min AMRAP: 5 Person Team With a Battle Rope all players in tandem: 15 Squats holding rope at chin 15 Vups holding rope above lap 15 Push Ups with hand on Rope 15 Side Plank Hip Drops holding Rope in the air with other arm. Repeat AMRAPs for 5 min.

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