A. Find a weighted push up 1 RM in 8 minutes.
With 10 cones set 15 feet apart, stone clean and carry the stone to the first cone set it down and run back to the start and do 2 push ups.
Go to the 1st cone and stone clean and carry the cone from the first cone to the second cone. Set it down and run back to the starts and do 4 push ups.
Move all the way to the 10th cone adding 2 push ups every round.
Sub heavy farmers carry for stone clean and carry.
Push Ups- 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20. Once you have completed all the push ups carry your stone from the end back to the beginning. Advanced do increments of 3 push ups. 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30.
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