CGBP @21X1
8,6,4,2 rest 2 min btw rounds
10 SA dumbell snatches 30/20
Row 400 or Run Cul de sac
Elbow Plank hold 45 sec
[wptab name=’8:30 Strength’]
A. Deadlift (add 10lbs to your 1RM then take 90% for the following:)
65% X 5
75% X 5
85% X 5+ (as many as you can but no more than 10)
75% X 5
65% X 5
B1. Front Racked Barbell Lunges (Stationary) @2020 X 10/leg; rest 90s
B2. 1 Arm DB Row @30×1 X 6-8/arm, heavy X 4 sets
C1. Seated Leg Curl from bench using band X 2011 X 10-12; 30 sec
C2. GHD Sit Ups @20×1 X 12 X 3; 30sec
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Thank you Spartan Race 2012 for making me learn how to climb a wall and thank you Pistol for the photo of my best angle…..not!! Haha
Great fun at Wills. Let’s do it again soon!