Tuesday Workout of the Day

A1. CGBP @2111 X 3-5 X 5 sets; Rest 1 Min
A2. AMRAP CTB Pull Ups (or Pull Ups or Ring Rows) X 5; rest 2 min
6 sets:
50m sled drag 150/90


[wptab name=’8:30AM Strength’]
A. Back Squat @31×1
70% X 3
80% X 3
90% X 3+
80% X 3
B1. RDL@22×1 X 6-8 X 80# X 4; 60s
B2. 5 Wall Walks X 4; 60s
EMOM: 18 Min:
Minute 1: 5 Deadlifts 85% 1RM
Minute 2: 1 Rope Climb
Minute 3: 100m Run[/wptab]


Congrats to the Raging Bulls!  They finished 7th out of 17!!! Way to Go!
Congrats to the Raging Bulls! They finished 7th out of 17!!! Way to Go!
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