Every 4min for 6rds:
A. Deadliftx3+HPCx2+Jerk
Every 3min for 4 sets:
B. CGBP @20X1 8-10
6 rounds for time:
10 HR pushups
10 back extensions
Be ready. DT is coming. FYI.
Kate has got a great overhead squat position.
Every 4min for 6rds:
A. Deadliftx3+HPCx2+Jerk
Every 3min for 4 sets:
B. CGBP @20X1 8-10
6 rounds for time:
10 HR pushups
10 back extensions
Be ready. DT is coming. FYI.
Kate has got a great overhead squat position.
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This is an example of a widget area that you can place text to describe a product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.