With a partner AMRAP 10 minutes of the following sets alternating rounds and 1 person working at a time:
Set 1
15 wall balls 20/14
10 HSPU (sub HSPU on a box OR L-Seated Dumbell Press)
Set 2
15 calorie row
10 burpees over the erg
Set 3
15 KBS 53/35
10 single arm rows 5 right and 5 left 53/35
“Grand Central Stations”
1 min work; 10 Sec Transition; 2 min rest between circuits:
Circuit 1: Outside
1. Jump Rope or Double Unders
2. Decline Push Ups on (Feet on Curb) (Beginners do regular Push Ups)
3. Lunges
4. Incline Push Ups on Curb (Hands on Curb)
5. Suicide runs
Circuit 2: Inside
1. Wall Balls
2. SDHP w/ KB 70/53
3. DB Push Press 35/25
4. Box Jumps
5. Row
Circuit 3: Outside
1. Body Builder Burpee
2. Tire Flips
3. Forward Hill Runs
4. Tire Jumps (step ups for beginners)
5. Walking Lunges
Circuit 4: Inside
1. Backwards jump rope
2. Mom (or Dad) Makers
3. Bear Crawl
4. Sled Push Inside
5. Burpee Lateral Jumps over parallettes
50m Sprint X 10