Tuesday Workout of the Day

1 Hang Power Clean + 3 Front Squats X 5 sets
Increase weight for each set. Rest as needed


30 Hang Power Cleans 155/110
5 Rounds of
10 CTB Pull Ups
20 Double Unders

Post load/time to comments.

Attn Paleo Night Goers:
When: Friday Night at 7:30PM
Where: 5 Seasons in Alpharetta
What: Here are the details. You MUST select an Option for the 2nd course and have it to me by Wednesday an NO LATER! And make sure I write it down.

$25.00/ person plus tax and gratuity

Course One
Organic Farm Greens with Asian sesame vinaigrette

Course Two: Choice of one
All served with local organic and seasonal vegetables

Organic Salmon
All Natural Ribeye (5.5 oz)
Organic Pork Loin
Pastured GA Organic roasted chicken

Course Three
Fresh pear, organic apple, and cranberry fruit cocktail with honey nuts and fall spices.

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