Shoulder Press
In 15 minutes TAKE 90% of 1RM AND DO:
Warm up
45% x 5
55% x 3
65% x 2
80% x 3
85% x 3
Record 90% weight and number of reps to board.
WTD pull ups @21X1
2.2.2 rest 10 sec/rest 2 min x 2
15 second 1 arm handstand hold right
10 hollow rocks
15 second 1 arm handstand hold left
Rest 1 min x 4
Beginners do 2 arm handstand holds or FLR.
See Hollow Rocks:
[wptab name=’8:30AM Strength’]A. Back Squat
70% X 3
80% X 3
90% X 3+
70% X 5-7 X 3
B1. RDL @2020 X 8 X 4; 60s
B2. Wtd Step Ups @1111 X 10 X 4; 60s
B3. Strict Pull Ups 3-5 X 4; 60s
B4. L Sit Hold 30 Sec X 4; 60s[/wptab]
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