Thursday Workout of the Day

Split Jerk (Beginners do Push/Power jerk and work on getting under the bar quickly)
Warm Up to 80% then
80% X 3 X 5
B1. Deadlift @3011 X 5 Reps rest 20 seconds (then go to B2)
B2. Weighted Ring Dips@3010 X 3-4 Reps rest 1 Min (then go to B3) X 3 sets
B3. 20 GHD Sit Ups @2010 rest 2 Min then go back to B1 X 3 sets
C. 100 Walking Lunges

This is an untimed workout. Do A then B1,B2 and B3 together then C. Take note of them tempo 3010 does NOT mean you do three thousand and ten reps. It means 3 seconds on the eccentric portion of the lift, zero hold at the bottom, 1 count on the concentric portion of the lift and zero hold at the top. Post load to comments.

******Partay this Saturday at the Trego’s*********
11290 Houze Rd
Roswell, GA 30076
Bring a snack and a beverage and come in costume!
8:00PM ish

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