Thursday Workout of the Day

A.Bench Press @21X1
Find your 1RM in 15 min.

B.1. WTD Step ups @1111 10/leg on 20″ box
35/20 rest 30 sec x 3
B.2. 8-12 Feet elevated supine ring pull ups @31X1. Rest 1 min x 3

C. Row 500m sprint.

[wptab name=’8:30am Strength’]A. CGBP @30×1 X
70% X 3
80% X 3
90% X 3+
B1. Sup Grip Wtd Pull Ups X 3-5; 60s
B2. Single Arm DB Press X 6-10 (heavy); 60s
B3. 20 Hammer Strikes/arm; 60s
B4. FLR in rings 45s
X 4[/wptab]




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