Thursday Workout of the Day

A.1.External dumbell rotation @31X1 8 reps per arm rest 30 seconds x 3

A.2. DB walking lunges 20 reps 30/20 rest 30 sec x 3

75 power snatches 75/53 for time.

[wptab name=’8:30AM Strength’]A. Shoulder Press (add 5lbs to your 1RM then use 90% for the following:
65% X 5
75% X 5
85% X 5
B1. 6 Renegade Rows (tough); rest 45s
B2. AMRAP Supinated Grip Pull Ups;45s
B3. 30 Sec Side Bridge R; 15s
B4. 30 Sec Side Bridge L; 15s
B5. 5 TGU/arm; rest 1:30 X 4 setsIMG_3024[/wptab]


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