Burgener a Warm Up for Power Snatch
10 dips
10 dumbell thrusters 25/15
10 jump lunges
10 hang power snatches 75/53
10 back extensions
Rest 2 min
Change order each round.
Record total time to board.
Beginner and intermediate do 4 rounds.
8:30 AM Strength
A. CGBP (add 5lbs on to your 1RM then take 90% for the following:)
65% X 5
75% X 5
85% X 5+
75% X 5 X 3
B1. WG Pull Ups (or negatives) @2011 X 5-7 X 3; 60s
B2. Ring Dips (or negatives) @20×1) X 6-10 X 3; 60s
C1. Fly’s with Band/ring X 10 X 3; 60s
C2. Tbar Row, WG @ 30×1 X 10 X 3; 60s