Thursday Workout of the Day

10 Min AMRAP with a partner.
Partner 1: 10 Tire Flips
Partner 2: Burpees
Switch partners after every 10 tire flips, record total burpees

10 Min AMRAP with a partner:
Partner 1: 15 KBS 53/35 + 30 Double Unders
Partner 2: Row for meters
Switch players after each round of KBS & DU. Score is total meters.

10 Min AMRAP with a partner:
Partner 1: 200m Run
Partner 2: 5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
Switch Players after each 200m run. Pick up where each partner leaves off. Example, if player 2 completes 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 10 squats, player 1 finishes the round by starting with 5 squats. Score is total rounds of Cindy.
Rest 3 Minutes between rounds.

We hope you can come to our event to support local Roswell PD officer Bobby Spann on June 25th! The venue has changed to the Roswell Alpharetta Public Safety Training Center.

We hope you can come to our event to support local Roswell PD officer Bobby Spann on June 25th! The venue has changed to the Roswell Alpharetta Public Safety Training Center.

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