Thursday Workout of the Day

With a partner:
In 10 minutes AMRAP 10 burpees and 10 KBS 53/35
P1 does 10 burpees and P2 does 10 KBS, then partners switch.
Neither partner may start the next set of 10 until each partner has perfomed their 10 KBS and 10 burpees.
Record number of reps performed in 10 min.

Rest 5 min

With a partner Row a 2K.
While 1 partner rows the other partner does rounds of “CIndy”, 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats.
Switch as needed and as often as you like.
Record number of reps performed during the 2K row.

Relay For Life is this Saturday from 4PM to Midnight at Roswell High School.

Relay For Life is this Saturday from 4PM to Midnight at Roswell High School.

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