Saturday Workout of the Day

A.5 Manmakers: DB HSC/Thruster

Then 15 sec isometric holds of:
Split Squat Hold Right
Split Squat Hold Left
Push Hold in the bottom
Vsit up hold

5 Manmakers
20 sec Isometric holds

5 Manmakers
30 Sec Isometric holds
B.Cardio Ladder
2 Rounds:
10 Burpees
9 Wall Balls
8 Mountain Climbers L+R=1
7 Sit Ups
6 Jumping Lunges
5 Plank Jacks
4 Squat Jumps
3 Push Ups
2 Tuck Jumps
1 Min Plank
Rest 1 min

“Fire Starter”
In Teams of 3, with one athlete working at a time…
100 Calorie Row
75 Barbell-Facing Burpees
50 Squat Cleans (135/95)
100 Toes to Bar
50 Squat Cleans (135/95)
75 Barbell-Facing Burpees
100 Calorie Row
Workout courtesy of CompTrain

Bell ringers!

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