Saturday Workout of the Day


Goblet Squats

Push Ups

Ring Rows

Side Plank Grave Diggers

Russian Twists

Plank Shoulder Tap

Sit Ups

Alt DB Snatch

Ball Slams

Battle Ropes 

Squat Jumps
X 2
CrossFit 9AM

With a partner:P1 goes then rests while P2 goes then switch to the next station.

For Max Reps
2 min AMRAP of:

14/12 Cal Row to Max rep DU

(Then P1 rests 2 min while P2 goes)
2 min AMRAP of:

10 Bar Facing Burpees to Max Rep Deadlift (205/135)

(then P1 rests while P2 goes)
2 min AMRAP of:

14/12 cal row to Max Rep Box Over 24/20

(Then P1 rests while P2 goes)
2 min AMRAP of:

10 Bar Facing Burpees to Max Rep Power Cleans (205/135)

(Then P1 rests while P2 goes)
Post number of reps your team scored to the board. This is a 32 minute work out

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