Divide the gym into two teams.
AMRAP 10 minutes Rest 3 minutes. Every time you complete a round you score a point for your team. This will be set up to move you around the room like the bases of a baseball game. Move from one station to the next in order and the mark a point for yiurvte after each set of 3 exercises.
1. AMRAP 10 minutes
10 pull ups,
10 Goblet Squats 53/35
10 Burpee Broad Jumps.
Give your team a point on the board after each round. Only complete rounds count.
2. AMRAP 10 minutes
5 burpee toes to bar
5 HSPU (sub 30 sec HS hold)
20 walking lunges
3. AMRAP 10 minutes
5 wall ball 2fers
15 sit ups
5 GTO 95/65
Box Jumps
Ring Rows
DB Lunges
Sit Ups
Push Ups
Back Extensions
Wall Balls
Double Unders
Beginners: 30 reps
Intermediates: 40 reps
Advanced: 50 reps