8AM Bootcamp
Sandbags for 2
9:00AM CrossFit:
2 person team workout:
In 10 minutes build to a 1RM strict shoulder press per person. Stop at 10:00 exactly.
Rest/Recover 4 min and set your bar up for the next part.
When the clock reads 14:00 begin alternating rounds of:
5 push press at 80% 1RM strict press(from the floor)
10 CTB
35 double unders
for 10 minutes:
When the clock reads 24:00 begin alternating rounds of:
100M sprint
10 burpees over your push press bar.
Until the clock reads 30:00
Score is strict press weight for each member + reps scored for the AMRAP from each member + number of burpees obtained.