In teams of 3-4 spend 5 minutes at each station collecting reps for a total score.
1. Wall Balls
2. Push Press 95/65
3. Box Jumps
4. Burpees
5. KBS 53/35
1 person works at a time.
8AM Bootcamp:
“KB Hot Potato”
AMRAP 10 Min w/ a partner, switch as needed:
30 KBS
20 KB Sumo DL High Pull
10 Goblet Squats
One partner works at a time, while the other rests. Switch as needed keeping the kettlebell off the ground at all times. If the kettlebell is dropped, both partners run the cul de sac while carrying the bell.
Rest 5 min
Partner KB Pyramid Rounds:
Complete 5 rounds: Partner A starts on the first exercise and partner B starts on the second exercise. The five rounds are 5 reps, 10 reps, 15 reps, 10 reps, 5 reps. Partners keep switching back and forth until all sets are complete.
Straight Leg KB Deadlifts – Burpees
KB Lunges (each leg is 1 rep) – Prisoner Squat Jumps
Rest 5 min:
45s each with no rest between 1 and 2. Rest 30-45s between each pair:
1. Dive Bomber Push ups 2. Bicycle Crunches
1. Narrow Grip Push Ups 2. Flutter Kicks
1. Pendulum Push Ups 2. Side to Side reach abs