Saturday Workout of the Day

The $250 Pyramid
1. 10 Shuttle Runs
2. 20 Burpees
3. Abmat Sit Ups
4. 40 Mountain Climbers
5. 50 Prisoner Squats
6. 40 Mountain Climbers
7. 30 Abmat Sit Ups
8. 20 Burpees
9. 10 Shuttle Runs
Building Run between each set
Finisher: Do the pyramid again but cut the reps in half.

9AM-CrossFit CLass

In teams of three complete AMRAP in 30 minutes of
Row 500M
10 power cleans 135/95(share a bar)
15 box overs(share a box)

Rotate to the next exercise when all reps or rowing is comeplete. Everyone rotates at once.Each team memeber should be working on one exercise then rotate when every one completes the exercise they are on.

When the clock reaches 25:00 all team members rotate thru(1 perspn works at a time) rounds of:
30 DU
100m run, until the clock reaches 30:00
to add to the above score. Record team name and total number of rounds and reps to the board.

10 strict toes to bar NO SWINGING or partner assisted (beginner do hanging leg raises)
15 leg raises lying on floor
20 Russian twists with a KB, WB or plate (10 per side), you must rotate your torso and not just use your arms

Today is the Day!

Today is the Day!

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