All Classes:
Team WOD With a team of 3 spend 5 min at each station collecting full rounds: work in a conga line style.
Station 1:
5 toes to bar ( scaled hanging knee raises)
10 push ups
15 squats.
1 person on the bar at a time. Do each round in order. Count total completed rounds.
Station 2:
100m row
15 KBS 53/35
1 person on a rower at a time.
Station 3
1 rope climb (scaled 3 rope negatives)
10 box jumps or step ups 24/20
Stay in order. Share a box.
Station 4
5 GTO 135/95( scaled use dumbells )
100m sprint
Only one barbell moving at a time.
Station 5
10 OH lunges 45/25 (scaled 15/10)
5 burpee box overs
Only count completed rounds.
There is 1 min to transition to each station.
Start on any station but then go in order to keep organization.
Sign up for the Open at, join our team, show up at 5pm on Friday February 26th to compete, bring food. Hop Alley will be bringing some post workout/recovery beer!