In honor of the upcoming nuptials of Katie Jones and Scott Cain:
Bring your sweetheart!
Ring exchange – One partner does ring push-ups while the other partner holds a plank position. Partners must accumulate 100 push-ups.
The long haul, for better or worse – Partners must run one mile together with one 35lb plate – only one partner holds it at a time. Both partners must finish at the same time.
Snatch – (We’re not explaining how that is related to marriage) – Any way ground to overhead (snatch or clean and jerk). Only one partner works at a time. Partners must accumulate 6,000 lbs in the overhead position. Do math BEFORE to figure out how many reps this figures out to for each partner. Partners can use different bars set at different weights.
Threshold carry – One partner carries the other around the building and back in the door. Partners can alternate carrying… or not.
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