Monday Workout of the Day

A. Back Squat
Based on your NEW 1RM take 90% of your NEW 1RM and do:
Warm Up Bar x 5 x 2
45% x 5
55% x 3
Working sets: 65% x 5 75% x 5 85% AMRAP
Record weight and reps to board.

B. “Moore”
AMRAP 20 min of:
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
Run 400 meters
Max rep Handstand push-ups(when you come off the wall you are done with that round, start another round)
Record number of HSPU each round.
If no HSPU do L seated press 35/20

Officer David S. Moore, 29, of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, died on January 26, 2011 from gunshot wounds suffered on January 23, 2011 when he stopped a stolen vehicle and the driver opened fire at him.He is survived by his mother Jo Ann, father Spencer, and sister Carol Bongfeldt.


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