Monday Workout of the Day

A.Back squat @21X1
In 15 minutes TAKE 90% of 1RM AND DO:
Warm up
45% x 5
55% x 3
65% x 2
75% x 5
80% x 5
Record 85% weight and number of reps to board.


B.EMOM 10 min
even 5 CTB pull ups
Odd-3-5 HSPU
( beginners do 3 negatives for each movement)

C. AD Sprints
20 sec all out
P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 or rest 2 min.

Record calories per round.

[wptab name=’8:30AM Hiit Class’]

Buy in:

100 Double unders

Run 400m
4 sets:
20 Walking Lunges
20 Push Ups
20 Sit Ups
20 Pull Ups
Run 400m

Cash out:
100 KBS 53/35




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