Fitness: EMOM 15 minutes: (3 rounds)
Minute 1:10 Single Leg KB Deadlifts Right 53/35
Minute 2 10 Single Leg KB Deadlifts Left 53/35
Minute 3 12-15 Dumbell Bench Press
Minute 4: 5-10 supine strict pull ups (add weight if 10 are easy)
Minute 5: 15 reverse crunches
Sport: With a partner alternate 10 rounds of:
1 Power Clean 155/105
2 Front Squats
4 Front Rack Reverse Lunges
5 CTB pull ups Complete a whole round before your partner goes. 1 person works at a time.
Everyone: CrossFit Jackie, 1 round for time: Row 1000M 50 thrusters 45/33 30 pull ups
Congratulations Laura Kahn on winning the Whole Life Challenge! Great job to everyone!