Monday Workout of the Day

Sport :EMOM 10 minutes

– even AMRAP consecutive Bar or Ring MU 

-odd 1 PS + 3 OHS HEAVY 

EMOM 9 minutes

Minute 1 – 10 v ups

Minute 2 – 10 back squats 55%-65% 1 RM

Minute 3 – 5 strict pull ups or negatives

Plus for time: 

1000M row 

100 du 

50 burpees

Prove your fitness!  The 2016 Crossfit Games Open is here.  Come Friday from 5 to 7 to complete the workout and get judged. Stick around for a cookout. Please bring a side and bring your own beverage. We are working on securing childcare from 5pm to 7pm. 

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