A.1. 1 PC + 2 front rack lunges x 8. Rest 1 min x 3
A.2. Elbow row 12-15 reps, rest 1 min x 3 (can be done form the floor on all fours on on a box or bench. Elbow bends at 90 degrees)
5 sets (beginners do 3 sets, intermediate do 4 sets)
1. 400m row
2. 50 double Unders
3. 15 KBS 70/53
4. 10 pull ups
5. 10 ghd sit up (beginners do abmat sit ups)
3 min rest
Treat each set as a sprint. On set one start with #1 (400m row) set two start with #2 (double unders), etc
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