Monday Workout of the Day

A1. 1 Snatch Grip Push Press + 5 OHS @3011 X 5 sets rest 20 seconds
A2. HSPU on deficit AMRAP X 5 sets rest 2 Min Alt: Dips @3011 X 5 reps x 5 sets


12 Min:
100 Double Unders
then with remaining time:
1 OHS 95/65- 1 Burpee
2 OHS/2 Burpee
3 OHS/3 Burpee
and so on until 12 Min has elapsed.

Post load/round # to comments.

Halloween Throwdown Series Event WODs announced today! This Sunday join us at Killer Creek Harley Davidson for their “Cruise and Blues” salute to American Muscle. CFNF will have a booth there!

Lajuana and Crista kicked some booty at the Garage Games Girls event this weekend.

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