Friday Workout of the Day

6min amrap @90%
20 double unders
30sec FLR on rings (beginners do plank hold on floor)
5 kb swings 53/35
4min rest

6min amrap @90%
10 Box Jumps (beginners do step ups)
6 db push press 25/15#/h
250m row
4min rest

6min amrap @90% (do this in the parking log)
10 HR pushups
6 pistols/leg – (beginners do 6 lunges per leg)
50m run
4min rest

6min amrap @90%
10 Pull Ups
Building Run
10 Dips

Caption this Photo!  Best caption wins a free can of kill cliff!

Caption this Photo! Best caption wins a free can of kill cliff!

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  1. So far we have “Kerrie’s meatball is getting away” from Ryan Sullivan!

  2. Jacklyn says

    All out !! All out!! All out!!