DSC_0032 Xena vs. the Box

DSC_0050 Xena wins!

"Tabata Something Else"

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.

Sub Deadlifts for pullups if needed.  Check out the push up standards here  http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFit_PushupStandards.mov

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  1. You go Xena!!
    Amy came up with a good one….
    CrossFit: Where we OWN our bitches!!

  2. Another normal sized person WOD. Too bad for the ogres Breeze and Gdog.

  3. You think you are normal sized?

  4. yea, he’s normal for a 5th grader

  5. Did I say I was normal sized.. no. But you didn’t deny the ogre part either.

  6. Hey those of you who purchased Popcorn from Collin, the loan shark is coming after you. I need to get a check from you made out to me.
    If you do not remember what you purchased just email me and I will tell you. Most of you ordered the $10 popcorn.

  7. And the winner of Monday’s 5pm Box Jump Award:
    (applause, applause, applause)
    Xena’s acceptance speech of winning the box jump award:
    “There are just so many people to thank. Brad for telling people I’d never done one, then walking away, Kim for yelling in a mean voice 3-2-1-Go, Barney for holding my hand, Charlie for coaching me thru my first one, Muffin’s kids who said in their exasperated voices, ‘Just Jump!’, Doc for telling me I didn’t have to do one (reverse psychology), Margie who made sure the box was empty yesterday and the bumpers were engaged so I HAD to do one – which turned into 60!, and most importantly, J-Po who believed in me from the very start! – It took a village to get Xena to face her fears”
    (Music swells and she’s led off the stage).

  8. Sorry I have been a little MIA — Will you be around today?

  9. Question — Do any gloves exist that let you do kipping pull-ups? Crossfit LA used to have something but I can’t find it now. It seems it would be hard to do in gloves but wanted to get y’alls input

  10. http://www.american-gymnast.com/shop/Beginner-Palm-Grips-C37.aspx
    The site sells relatively inexpensive gymnastic grips for non-gymnasts who are practicing kipping pullups.
    Try it out and see if it works for you.

  11. At least us Ogre’s can get on adult rides at amusement parks.
    Breeze I resemble but resent that ogre comment he made to you.

  12. Already did the WOD. I will be in tomorrow if you want to leave it at the front desk.

  13. I heard these work well too!

  14. Personally, I’m a fan of these…

  15. brilliant….

  16. austinmclean says

    GO ARMY!

  17. Nice score today Ed. 498 is SWEEEETT!