The 6 am crew before the team workout!
The kids class just likes to hang out!
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
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Share on FacebookThe 6 am crew before the team workout!
The kids class just likes to hang out!
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
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see ya’ll at 12:30!
Wow. Impressive numbers on the board today.
The 6am crew was really deadlifting. Awesome job to walk in and see 279 and 304 up ion the board and it was not even 7am.
As the for 7am crew…we are thinking we are hitting the Olympic Lift Trial at tech this week-end! Joy, Leanne and Julie were awesome deadlifters. No beginners in there today!
I had a PR. 215# DL.
See ya Friday.
325# this AM.
Wanted to do more, but got nervous that my back would not hold up. Great job Pebbles,
Doc, Don and Whit: You guys are beasts.
Way to go Garrett. Another PR for you. ….and I hear your close to a muscle up. Sweet!
Wow, what a day……
It was a real treat to have Mike G “in the house”. A day of personal bests! For those of you who have never seen Mike work, do yourself a favor and find a way through a crossfit challenge or video, etc.. Gives us all something to shoot for.
Awesome job on the muscle-up Austin, watch out everbody, this kid’s the real deal.
Sally Garrett and I are right on the tail with our muscle up! Thanks for the instruction and encouragement Brad, Kim and Mike G.
From the looks of the board, there was a Dead-Lift clinic put on today. Serious props to you boys (Doc, Don, Garrett and Whit)that threw up 300+ in the early hour. If you added your age and your weight together, ya’ll are untouchable! Board was littered with PR’s.
Fun day! I think I had a PR…felt like one anyway! 171#, not too shabby for this Granny of 5!
Congrats Austin on your MU!! It was a treat to have you as my partner yesterday!
And also a big HOORAH to all the PR’s today!
Dammit Pebbles, now i gotta try to get 215! Awesome job! not bad for a mommy! The morning boys and lunch crew did awesome too I hear! Go Gigi with your 171. Thank you Mike G for coming and helping us out. I took notes and video on that butterfly pull up so don’t worry! Sammy you were right there today! You’re gonna have that mu this week i know it! Spider, quit thinking so much and do it. I’m gonna be telling myself the same thing on that butterfly! Austin, you’re just a freak!
thanks y’all, today was fun.
so far all the people I have met at CFNF have been good people and looking forward to workin out with y’all for the next month.
I guarantee I wont be able to do a MU tomorrow, I think it was a freak accident 🙂
Looks like I’m missing all the fun! Headed out of town; see the early folks next week.
Awesome day! PR’s all over the place. Congrats to Pebbles and Kimpossible…top females w/ 215#! Felshaw (hoss) top male w/ 369#! MU’s coming soon for sammy, spider, and g-dog! Austin had big day! Thanx again MikeG for coming up and letting us pick your brain.
hey guys…thanks for having me today. I’m sorry it took me so long to come visit. I had an awesome time. Everyone did great. I can’t wait to come up there again.
Kim, let me know when you get the butterfly kip…I know it won’t take long.
Brad, great job on the deadlift PR.
Sammy, Garret, Spider…you were really close on the muscle up. You’ll have it soon.
Austin, great job getting the muscle up and the butterfly kip. If you get your diet down, you’ll be a beast.