Wednesday – Rest Day


Safe travels, Austin!

If today isn’t your rest day make up a missed workout or come see what is on the board.

NOTICE: No 4:30 pm class this Friday.  Join us at the Paintball Atlanta Fields off Shiloh Rd at 5:00pm for a private party to celebrate Jonah’s Birthday.  Click on link at right for details.

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  1. maniac says

    Fun WOD. I am loving wall ball sit ups. WTG Nitro. Xena, you are kicking butt. My dips need serious help.Good job Eve.Thanks Kim and Brad for a great work out week.
    I am off tomorrow….for real.
    See ya Friday.

  2. Miss everyone-kitty isn’t doing well, so couldn’t get there Monday. In Maine for work-get back Thu, but going straight to the animal hospital. Hopefully will see you Fri. Happy late bday Sarah! Pistol-if it’s not too late, I want a shirt. No worries if it is too late. OCD-how’s it going out there?

  3. Geez…still sore from Monday. wth? Popping more IB’s and will see you guys at 12:30! Wall ball sit ups? I repeat again, wth?

  4. Good WOD today – 21+ Rx…though the 2nd workout in a row by myself! My partner in crime is jerkin’ the you know what out of some fish lips in Alaska but will be back soon. Thanks for pushing me this AM Pistol!

  5. Gigi...Burpee hater..all forms and variations says

    That was a great workout. Hadn’t ran “The Hill” in awhile…still kicks my buttocks…good to know. 24 Flat and a little rx for me (dips were on the rings, just needs improvement).
    Love working out with ya Hagler!! You made those wall ball sit ups look easy peasy.

  6. Gigi… Your butt looks great especially running that hill… You motivate me, and you killed the ring dips today, great job!!! Shuga was sweet to me and Gigi and worked hard as well… I was right behind Gigi and way behind Hicky, but great workout, thanks Brad!! Hagler

  7. maniac says

    Jpo. Here is a link to the Zone Chicken Waldorf salad.

  8. Thanks for the goodbye picture!
    its Austin in sunny california, yeah, its 230 and its only like 75 degrees outside, its awesome. Did my first WOD at one world yesterday (21-15-9of 225lb DL and Ring Dips, and 3 rope climbs inbetween each, I could barely hold onto my water bottle after) and it was a doozy,lots of heavy dead lifts, but i did not do too bad in time, just got called out on form on basically every rep. getting ready to head over there for today’s WOD, gonna make up some missed ones.
    i shall keep in touch! hope everyone is having a good day.

  9. Well, it’s good to be back! I was starting to miss that nervous twitch I get in my stomach every time I’m on my way to the gym =)
    Austin, I missed saying goodbye to you since I was out of town, so good luck and enjoy yourself in California!!
    Peggy, with any luck, I’ll see you on Saturday. Hope kitty gets better soon!

  10. maniac says

    Hmmm…unable to hold my water bottle and getting called out on reps…sounds like CFNF! I have heard “Pebbles get your butt down to the ball and chest to the floor” many times!
    Have fun Austin.

  11. Great 6PM WOD. Breeze led the way. Stanley is making huge strides.
    Fun workout.
    Kim, I will work on those dips. Keep me on task please.
    Shandy….what up???

  12. Stan…you are the man! We are very proud of you.
    G-dog…thanks for pushing me along today…you’re not only strong as sh*t, but getting fast too.