Wednesday – Open WOD 2 Announced tonight!


For time:

25 Handstand push-ups
50 Toes-to-bar
Run 800 meters
75 pound Push press, 75 reps
150 Double-unders

Post time to comments.


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  1. Cute couple.

  2. Ha! Seriously

  3. Jt looks so uncomfortable in this picture lol

  4. Ed are you authorized to post on here anymore?

  5. Decent enough day today, but not the same intensity as the last two days. Deadlifted 355lbs x5 which felt pretty easy, then did the WOD 13.34Rx. Did Ok to begin with but tired badly on the presses. Needed to keep intensity going there and refocus after the run to get through them quicker. See you all Friday.

  6. Great job lunch crew!! This was a just finish wod for me.
    I’m going to really work hard on getting my doubleunders. 4 to 1 sucks!
    Glad I got it in though and under the time I had in my head.