Wednesday – No Class Sunday

It's awesome to have Blake back!!!!  and Hags looks purty too!


Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
95 pound Squat snatch, 10 reps
10 Ring dips
10 Knees to elbows

Austin Malleolo 10 rounds + 2 snatch, Dave Lipson 9 rounds, Karianne Dickson 8 rounds + 4 dips (65lbs). 
Post rounds completed to comments.


Halloween Party this Saturday at J'pos!  See Community Events blog for info!


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  1. wow…this WOD beat my ace after yesterday’s WOD. 5 rounds and some change…taking tomorrow off for sure!

  2. Shout out to Grumpy for his PR on the dead lift today. Lunch time produced a great crowd as always. Shouts out to everyone and thanks for the encouragement. Thanks Kim and Brad on the coaching for the squat snatches.
    I’m on the big board for Thrusters!!!

  3. wooohooo! you go girl!