Wednesday – No “Open Gym” Thursday, Friday or Monday

1 year ago today.


Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Michael Giardina 264lbs. Post loads to comments.

Compare to 091007.


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  1. And that is why we love CFNF…Oh how things can change in just a year!!! I am always amazed when I see old photos of our warrior princess….such an inspiration:)

  2. Amazing Xena! You “Strong Like Bull!”

  3. Haha, all i could think of when I just saw this pic was “wow, look i’m doing a box jump!” hahaha

  4. Johnny Law says

    U Rock XENA

  5. austinmclean says

    Go ARMY

  6. FUN lifting with Meatball tonight. Thanks for being there through my umpteen attempts at 150. Will have to take 145 for tonight.
    resetting my DL so backed off 25lbs back to 250 x 5.
    If you ever get “stuck” on a weight in your progression, try it agin the next week then if that is a failed attempt as well …….then reset. Just take 10% off and restart at that weight. Continue to go up 5 to 10 lbs each week and then you should surpass your weight you failed at. I got “stuck” at 275 so I am resetting at the 250.
    Good to see GND!!!!