The family that CrossFits together…
3 rounds for time:
Run 400 m
30 KBS – 1.5 pd
100 Sit Ups untimed.
Share on FacebookThe family that CrossFits together…
3 rounds for time:
Run 400 m
30 KBS – 1.5 pd
100 Sit Ups untimed.
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Click the Green SugarWod “WODS” Button on the front page to see the WOD! Share on Facebook
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Great day!! Ben is super!! He killed this wod then cheered me to finish in a good time. Best part, I did not put the bar down so I feel good about that. Xtine – whoa, I’m intimidated.
Bad News Brad put the next wod up and let’s just say it’s a kill joy for me but it’ll be awesome for Ben!!
Is anyone else out here enjoying (relatively speaking) the bracketology competition?
Good job to those who battled through this wod (or those who’ll finish tonight) and best wishes on the next one!!
Jacklyn, you did awesome today, I’m proud of our team and performances. It’s clear for the second Bracketology running that I have been blessed with a strong partner, thanks Brad!
So to the next one, I think you may be surprised at just how well you do here Jacklyn, we’re going to be just fine. I suggest we do this one Friday and we take tomorrow off, that way we are fresh and ready to go, we have momentum and it’s a tricky thing to maintain so let’s attack this one early, set the pace and put the pressure on.
Good job to all today, especially Kent and Q who had to wait while we all completed this WOD and then pushed ever so hard to get very good times. Ramsey good job also, you kept a great pace! Want to go head-to-head on the running WOD Friday?
Thrilled!!!to read bike endurance wod optoin is on the table, and selfishly mighty sad my knee may be too tinder to jump in for CFE 3rd element tomorrow. If anyone is without a trainer and would like one for tomorrow, post by say 4:30 Monday, and I’m happy to bring mine along for you to use. Dave could you maybe prepare some upper body blast optoins for this gal tomorrow?
Strong performance at lunch. Way to go everyone.
I love Bracketology b/c we get to see how awesome all our members are. I feel lucky to work at such a great gym and really enjoy it.
PS Jacklyn….you look smaller everytime I see you.
Sarah: You may not be aware of this, but I talked with Rhonda to let her know I am wiinllg to do baby hand prints for crossfit ‘newborns’. I work in clay as a potter/sculptor, and when you’re ready, just tell me @ or Rhonda so we can set up a time/place to make hand prints! I’m sure I’ve seen you at crossfit, although I’m in the boot camp classes. Nice to meet you!Donna Perugini
Thank you Pebbles!!!
I second CFNF being great and having awesome members!!
Ben, see you Friday.