21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips
Post time to comments.
21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips
Post time to comments.
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This is an example of a widget area that you can place text to describe a product or service. You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more.
Anyone see BIG ed lately?
Alright, these Ed pics are really starting to creep me out!! For some reason I am starting to feel violated!! Everytime I check the site, I find myself in the shower, curled up in the fetal position!!
Oh no, Scoob?! Not the crying game!
Damn my ass looks good in those shorts!
12:39 Rx
Good time Campbell.
hahahahahahaha! picture is hilarious
cooking some good stiff here at the Butch house.
glad you went early so I know what time I need to beat today…bring it
Thought of the day-
“Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going. Wooooo!” — Ric Flair
Dear Crossfit: Thanks for all the pullups and ring dips lately.
-Xena’s arms
be there at 5:30 Nature Boy
glad I had time to check the blog today — that picture is hilarious. and you can’t go wrong with Ric Flair quotes, Stringer!
today is gonna suuuuuuuuck (kids out early, teachers in meetings until 5) so I needed the laugh.
I really need to come in today so I hope you don’t mind another gimp-ass workout. If I tell you now, in writing, I can hold myself to it…
The Nature Boy also said, “In order to be the man, you have to beat the man.”
Woooooo! JT haven’t seen you in forever! 5:30…I’ll be there.
Holy Crap! I didn’t even notice Ed there yesterday!
(BTW Pistol, liking the new look of the site!)
12:08Rx for me today. A minute slower than last time 🙁 I think the muscle ups got me yesterday. Thanks for the props, Spidey!
How old are you?
btw…I got a little Pose lesson today from our good friend, Ann-imal CFNA. She showed me the homework and made me run with a metronome. My 400m run went from 2:05 to 1:42!!
Wow, that’s fast — will you show me when I heal? I’ve read up on it, tried to imitate but not really sure what I am doing.
Big Ed. You scare me.
Not Ann-imal
Love the new site…
You haven’t seen anything yet, I’m just getting started baby!
Anything to help keep the group motivated
I agree
wow love the makeover! looks great!