No Yoga on Saturday. No classes on Sunday, February 22nd

Jacob We know the feeling!

HQ Rest Day.  Alt WOD:  AMRAP in 20 minutes of the following:

5 Overhead Squats (65,45)
7 Box Jumps
9 Wall Balls

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  1. Loved this wod! Next time I will do more weight on OHS. Although, my form was superb with the 33lb bar! Brad/Kim you have my permission next time to make me do the #41 lb bar.

  2. Breeze:
    great workout. it kicked my ass but was great.
    it felt great, due to my gimp wrist, to almost do something normal again.
    Fist pump to guest Crossfitter JT. you rocked it.
    hard to believe it was your first time.
    anyone else would have puked yesterday’s lunch.
    and a shout out + a big rocky hump to Xena for totally kicking the boys ass by tossin’ more weight around.
    and, not a hair or lipstick smudge out of place.
    thanks again Breeze.
    up yours G-Dog
    nitro (the bomb . . . AKA Breeze’s Lil Ed)

  3. Nitro – what’s a “big rocky hump”?

  4. DD:
    Rocky is our English Bulldog.
    he’s a lover, not a fighter.
    he humps anyone that’s he deems slightly attractive or smells like a french poodle.
    he would be all over your ass.

  5. So’d you teach him to do that? 🙂

  6. Breeze did the one day we brought him to CF.

  7. Why do you think I have 3 dogs!!!
    Stacy was the big winner for the day…way to go! Nice box jumps tonite Simon! Shandy…when I think of something nice to say bout ya, I’ll let ya know!
    Nitro….so glad you are back and rocking the house! Hope to see JT again…he has potential to be an animal.
    See yall tomorrow!

  8. Breeze – well done today – thanks for the company. Drink up and don’t inhale.