Tuesday-HQ Rest Day. CFNF WOD below.


Do you want hulking triceps? How 'bout getting rid of that flab that jiggles on the back of your arm? Massive calves sound like something that interest you?  Make an appointment with Stringer or Andy to find out how!

3 Rounds

Run 400M

10 Squat Clean Thrusters 135/95

10 burpees

Normal class times resume today. NO OPEN GYM THIS WEEK!


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  1. Campbell says

    It’s been too long. Looking forward to a good week

  2. Good job 6am. Pretty large crowd. Make sure you introduce yourself to Jerry who joined yesterday!
    Nice work Murph!

  3. this was tougher than i thought… but then, for the past few days my diet was beer and chips and dip. i told pebbles i want to do it again in a few days after i detox from the weekend.
    nice work. 8:30! i had fun working out with all of you.

  4. This looks like a good ol’ fashion met-con. Can’t wait to do it tonight.

  5. bsawkins says

    A lot harder than it first looked. I was going for 12 mins and fell way short. I think I ended up at 18 and change.

  6. Stringer says

    this one will sneak up on you…i have done a similar WOD before where I rowed instead of ran. Will be in at 5 tonight to knock this out.

  7. Way to RX this Kevin, Austin, Ben and GND.
    8:30 worked HARD! Shout out to them all! Kimi kicked butt t 77lbs too. Jan Bostic is becoming a machine. Look out!

  8. Can you make it in or are you all booked up with tricep training?

  9. Jan has always been a machine.. don’t let her skinny stature fool ya!

  10. Way to go CFNF. Lots of nice cleans in the gym today.
    See ya tomorrow.
    Weightlifitng at 4pm tomorrow but your on your own.

  11. Guys Brad txted me today and said he was running several Curves workouts a day on the ship. Said he’s coming home a “new man”!

  12. Stringer says

    Bostic don’t kid yourself, we all know about your thigh master side gig…

  13. I have been ordered by my trainer, Pebbles, to take two days off from the gym due to a shoulder injury:(
    On a happier note, I had the most amazing massage this evening:)

  14. I normally bust out a 21-15-9 of thigh master reps and bicep curls in the AM

  15. yea and yea!