Tuesday – WOD 2 Announced Tomorrow Night!


Mitch got his muscle up!  Kaylan got her pull up!  Nice job!

5 Rounds:

5 Squat Clean & Jerks 70%1RM

25 Double Unders

then (untimed)


Sit Ups

Hanging Leg Raises (strict)

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  1. hope to get in tomorrow…I need a wod to work off all this extra food I have had lately!

  2. Good job lunchtime!! Everyone did a good job.
    HAGS, I’ll miss ya. Try to get my double unders by the time you come back.

  3. Hey Gang!
    I think about you guys everyday!!! Wanna do a “WOD” soooooo bad….Brad and Kim, you will have your work cut out for you when I get back……..I have become good friends with Jilly’s cupcakes on Alpharetta Hwy! I’m eating the gluten free red velvet, so I won’t feel so guilty! LOL
    Pebbles, Kim, Brad, Hags, Q and Jacklyn….thanks again for the dinner, it was very yummy! See ya soon.

  4. Good to see Alice ready to get back into the ranks. Can’t wait to see her.
    Decent day today, another good WOD with a good intensity level.
    Snatched up to 145lbs. Did 10 snatches at that weight with the final 2 being much improved after Kim’s input/coaching (Thanks Kim!), then did the WOD with 165lbs 5.43Rx
    See you all tomorrow.

  5. Ms. Alice!!! good to hear from you. How are you?
    How many more weeks do you have? I drive by Jilly’s often and have wanted to drop in….LOL.
    Can’t wait till you get back!!

  6. Scott "The Red Head' says

    This pic is worth a thousand words. mainly the tight pants.