Tuesday WOD


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups

Post your choice of girls and rounds completed to comments.

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  1. Kim Nadler says

    Kim, two things. 1) how much do i owe?
    2) where can I purchase those pullup bands and which should I use. I want the most challenging one. I think if I start using the band at the gym and not the machine I can improve quicker. I want to achieve these darn pullups by myself soon!!
    Thanks KIM

  2. Kim, $75, Ironwoody.com for the bands. Get the 25 lb assisted chin band.

  3. Whoo…5am came early! Great to see everyone working so hard so early. 14 rounds for me…so close to 15 which was my goal. Cindy is a real B#$&@. In fact all the girls are. There will probably be a Christy soon!

  4. Before I purchase one. Do you have an extra one I can borrow for a day or two so I can show my training partner what they are about? (Band)

  5. Kim, if you are in the ‘hood, you are more than welcome to borrow a few of our bands- one of each resistance level. We have a bunch. Christy, you may have your wish. There is a CrossFit WOD that has been going around called “Christine”- very close to your name. I don’t think it is an official benchmark “girl” yet, but it is a real b*&ch nonetheless. Try it out sometime- 3 rounds for time: 500M row, 12 Bodyweight Deadlifts, 21 box jumps. Hows the new space coming along Kim?

  6. Absolutly. Cindy is a real B*#&%. 14 rounds for me. Barely caught my wife. She is a machine. 90 pull ups, 150 push ups and 200 squats in 20 minutes.
    Brad way to keep me going.
    Kim,nothing better than you eating a stinky egg sandwich while I am about to loose it.

  7. I will be in the hood with Kyle at 5PM thanks KIM

  8. Kim the Pistol says

    I think there is some confusion here??? jeff, the place is coming out real nice. I’ll send you some pics. Kim Nadler, I have an extra band in my trunk, remind me to get it for you this afternoon.
    P.S. I got 17 rounds today and now have two less callouses.

  9. Hey, I am thinking of coming back this evening to do Mary………….Just Kidding!!! Loving Crossfit!!! Can’t wait for the new home. I am so excited. Sorry to hear about your hands Kim. Jeff, I will definately try Christine. Thanks for that WOD. Wednesday is my rest day….. tempted not to, but I am getting pressure form my hubby to do so. See you Thursday!

  10. Kim the Pistol says

    Christine sounds like a fun gal, much nicer than Fran. She is not in my five!

  11. The build-out is done and I am back in the game. 14 rds for me today….great job everyone! Keep ur fingers crossed for Mon in the new gym.

  12. I did “gigi” today…still Ms. Stuffalufagus. Did 75 pullups, 40 pushups (the head almost exploded)and 75 squats and 40 situps. Ran a mile and 200 single jump ropes for warm up.
    I’ll try to make real class tomorrow.
    glad to hear the place is moving along. Also, heard you got your ass kicked today Bradley by your wife. 🙂