Tuesday – Rest Day


Nice form Larry!

Notice:  CrossFit North Fulton will be closed June 14th for the Atlanta Area Affiliates Challenge at CrossFit North Atlanta. Please visit their website and sign up. All skill levels will be accomodated.

If today is not your rest day your WOD will be:

400 m run
20 box jumps
400 m run
20 box jumps
30 squats
400 m run
20 box jumps
30 squats
20 box jumps
30 squats
40 double unders
400 m run

Post time to comments.

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  1. Austin M says

    I swear, you throw a run into a workout and I turn into a big puss.
    Good job early crew, it was fun.

  2. For some crazy reason, I just signed up for the challenge this weekend – I’m sure I’ll be able to hang with The Bionic Man (aka Austin).
    I appreciate you giving my shredded hands a break from pull ups today, but running?! You are hateful people. But I’ll still see you at 5:30!

  3. Way to go Peggy!!! Dont worry, not of us are able to keep up with that young buck!
    Larry…how much did you pay kim to put your picture up?

  4. Great Work out today. Glad to be back.
    As many of you probably do not know, yesterday was Christy’s (Pebbles) birthday. In recognition of her sweet 16, we are planning a little celebration in two weeks.
    We are going to be making reservations at Maggiano’s at Peremiter Mall on the 21st of June. We would like to invite anyone who would like to attend. Please email me at garrett@maximumpotentialkids.com to let me know if you can come. Of course spouses are welcome. I need to know no later than Monday June 16th.
    We also made reservations at the Westin Perimeter for the evening. I spoke with the hotel and anyone is welcome to have some fun by the pool for the day before we go out (You do not have to have a room to come by the pool). If you would like to reserve a room the hotel address is
    W ATLANTA – PERIMETER (770) 396-6800
    111 Perimeter Center West · Atlanta, Georgia 30346
    We hope to see many of you there. Call me with questions 404-483-5066

  5. Of course this will take place after everyone Crossfits Saturday morning 🙂

  6. Also, J-po’s birthday is on sun the 22. So, we will have duel celebration!

  7. never know with a crossfit crowd if it is a “dual” or “duel” celebration. I tend to like duals more than duels.