For time:
20 Calorie Row
30 Burpees
40Two Arm Dumbell Ground to Overhead anyhow 45/35 (dumbells start on the ground EVERY rep)
50 Toes To Bar (toes MUST touch the bar to count as T2B)
100 Foot Overhead Walking Lunge with plate overhead 45/25 (length of gym and back)
Sprint (to the end of the blue in the front parking lot and back)
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Cool WOD. Felt great to work out today.17 something RX. Dumbells got heavy. Enjoyed 8:30 am class.
Great to be back:) Even for burpees:(
Missed some of the 6am crew but
great job Lauren! You worked it!
Thanks for the stretching tips, Ed.
My time was 18 something. not 17.
Gave everything I had at lunch to this WOD to see how I stacked up against some of the times from the Southeast regionals this past weekend. Now, bear in mind I was coming off a day-off so was fresh and the guys at the regionals would have already completed 4 grueling workouts in the two days prior, so I am absolutely amazed at the times those guys had. I was around 2+mins outside of the quickest times, which is just insane. They truly are a different level. 12.34Rx.
16:36 Rx on this one.