
Ms. Avery RuthvenWelcome Avery Harper Ruthven

Born: January 2nd, 7.5 pounds, 20 inches.  She came out and did Fran in 6:24 RX!  Congrats to Sean & Emily and family!


part 1
A. Hang Power Clean – 3,3,2,2,1,1; rest 2 min
B. Push Press – 3,3,3; rest 4 min
C. Continuous Hang Power Clean – 10 fast reps; rest 1 min x 5 – work on grip/regrip and speed
rest as needed
part 2
for time:
300 m row
100 double unders
300 m row


Post load/time to comments.  WOD courtesy of OPT Big Dawgs.

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  1. Congratulations Emily and Sean.

  2. Congratulations!!

  3. congratulations emily and sean! she is beautiful and she looks so strong already 🙂

  4. Congratulations!!!!!! So happy for you.

  5. Congratulations!

  6. Does anyone else think our baby looks like Benjamin Button???

  7. Congrats on the new edition!