Tuesday- Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

image from http://crossfitnorthfulton.typepad.com/.a/6a00e54ef062f788330168e74e0025970c-pi

Power Snatch
Build to a tough double TNG

5 rounds:

10 Ring Dips
15 pull ups
20 Double Unders

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  1. Kim, Brad,
    Are either of you working out at 12.30pm today? I’m scheduled for a call at 11.30am and would like to come in after that if possible, Dead Lift, do the snatch work and then the WOD.
    Let me know if you can.
    Thanks Ben.

  2. Found….silver necklace with large diamond pendant. If no one responds in the next 30 seconds I will be putting it on ebay.
    Thats ok Ben but I need to leave by 1:30

  3. Cheers Brad,
    I’ll be out by 1.30pm.

  4. Thanks to Brad for keeping things open for me at lunch. Did perhaps the ugliest set of 5 deadlifts ever, at 390lbs, but from a Crossfit perpsective, they counted (just). Then did the workout 160lbs on the power snatch and then 16.27Rx.
    Back in tomorrow.
    Bostic in case you didn’t see it, I left additional details on yesterday’s thread about the triplet plus a video.

  5. Thanks Ben I just looked and saw it.

  6. Hello My Crossfit Family…..just wanted to let you all know that my two surgeries went well and I’m on the road to recovery…..Jacqulyn and Hags….I miss my lunch time workouts…can’t wait to get back….

  7. On the road to recovery, nice. Looking forward to seeing you back in the gym soon.

  8. Alice great to hear you are doing well! We are thinking of you and miss you!

  9. Ms. Alice!!!
    We can’t wait to have you back!! I miss you. Rest and recover and we’ll see you soon. (I’ll post this to today’s blog too).