


4 rounds for time of:
27 Box jumps, 24" box
20 Burpees
11 Squat cleans, 145 pounds

Andrew Manderino 16:34, Ryan Johnston 17:29. Post time to comments.


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  1. bsawkins says

    OPT got the better of me today.
    Shoulder Pressed at 145 x5x3
    then completed 6 rounds of the OPT and missed the final C&J 7 times, so passed and as a result got my first DNF for a long time. My C&J’s were:
    165lbs – 175lbs – 185lbs – 195lbs (fx2 then got it) – 205lbs – 215lbs – 225lbs (fx7 passed, just wasn’t going to happen). Disappointed, but, as if I needed a reminder, there is still lots of fun stuff to work on. Other than that I moved pretty well through the swings, BBJ’s and row. My swings at 70lbs are improving.
    See you all tomorrow.